Saturday, December 19, 2020

Shine Your Light Into the Darkness and Your Joy Into the Light!

So, it is nearly Christmas! There are always mixtures of dark and light memories but the trick for me is always to try to just think the dark recollections and speak the light ones. Grogu reminds me of this, so I thought I would share...

    Dark Memory:  I can still recall fireplace lights twinkling against tile flooring, and waking to my father their friends and my mother huddled around me. I got the toy of a little girl's dream, a tin doll house with plastic furniture, and I was excited about it. But...before they finished fitting the house together and crimping the tin tabs, I had a convulsion that freaked everyone out. Some celebration...

    Light Memory: I guess it was two years later, my father and mother brought special gifts for my sister and I.  Twin miniature collies! We named them Terry and Jerry, and they were wonderful companions to us. They were willing to play and they slept on our beds at night. It was a magical Christmas that year.

I guess it doesn't mean much across the span of a lifetime, but since we cannot erase or make friends with our E., all we can do is push back it's presence in our lives by recalling some of our best feelings. I know this sounds a little saccharine, and I have to admit I have been watching all sorts of Christmas movies since Thanksgiving, but working a small and selfish miracle for one's self is a good thing, especially since we will always recall the time of Covid-19. In future, that last statement will qualify as a "dark" memory, probably...

So Grogu and I would love to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. There will be more blogging in the New Year, so I hope you will join me then. Thanks for your support and kind messages.


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A Scent of Angels: Falling into a Tonic Clonic Seizure

First, comes the scent---the Angels are present. Next comes the fall, and I feel a brushing of wings, growing stronger, more intense until ...